Prevalence  of bilateral otitis media with effusion ‎in preschool children with speech difficulty in the ‎Audiology unit of E.N.T. department in Hilla ‎general hospital




Otitis media with effusions, speech difficulty, preschool children


Introduction: Otitis media with effusion is a common issue among young children. If not treated, it can lead to serious problems like hearing loss and difficulties in speaking.‎

Methods: The study aims to determine how common bilateral otitis media with effusion is among preschool children experiencing speech difficulties.

Results: Out of 343 children included in this study, 7 children were diagnosed as ‎bilateral otitis media with effusion and the prevalence was 2.04%, the more ‎prevalence was by age of 4 years then 5 years and the least was in 6 years.

Conclusions: Prevalence of bilateral otitis media with effusion in preschool age children with ‎speech difficulty ‎in audiology unit in ENT department in Hilla teaching ‎hospital was 2.04%. ‎



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How to Cite

Witwit MLK, Sakban GH. Prevalence  of bilateral otitis media with effusion ‎in preschool children with speech difficulty in the ‎Audiology unit of E.N.T. department in Hilla ‎general hospital. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];5:983. Available from: