Efficacy of wearable cardiac monitoring devices versus traditional methods in detecting atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis





Atrial Fibrillation, Electrocardiography, Wearable Electronic Devices, Diagnostic Techniques, Cardiovascular


Introduction: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a prevalent arrhythmia with significant health and economic impacts. Traditional detection methods like 12-lead ECGs and Holter monitors are effective but limited by cost and patient compliance. Wearable devices, such as smartwatches and patches, offer a promising alternative for real-time AF detection.
Objective: This systematic review aims to evaluate the efficacy of wearable cardiac monitoring devices compared to traditional methods in detecting AF.
Methods: A comprehensive literature search identified studies comparing wearable devices to traditional methods for AF detection. Data on sensitivity, specificity, and usability were extracted and analyzed. A pooled analysis using both fixed-effect and random-effects models assessed overall sensitivity and specificity.
Results: This systematic review analyzed data from 15 studies comparing wearable devices to traditional methods for AF detection. Wearable devices, including smartwatches, patch-type ECGs, and PPG-based technologies, showed high sensitivity and specificity, with the fixed-effect model estimating overall sensitivity at 91.59% and specificity at 92.13%. The random-effects model provided slightly higher sensitivity (94.03%) and specificity (95.96%). Smartwatches like the Apple Watch with KardiaBand demonstrated up to 97.5% sensitivity, comparable to insertable cardiac monitors (ICMs). Patch-type ECGs, such as MobiCARE-MC100 and Zio XT, matched Holter monitors in accuracy, with extended monitoring enhancing AF detection. PPG-based technologies, exemplified by the WATCH AF trial, showed 93.7% sensitivity and 98.2% specificity. Despite high accuracy, significant heterogeneity among studies highlighted the need for standardized protocols.
Conclusion: Wearable devices show high sensitivity and specificity for AF detection, comparable to traditional methods. However, substantial heterogeneity indicates the need for standardized protocols and further research to optimize these technologies for clinical use.


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How to Cite

Tulcanaza Ochoa GF, Cisneros Clavijo PE, Meza Tonato JL, Placencia Guartatanga PG, Manzano Vela MP, Nieto Nuñez FI, et al. Efficacy of wearable cardiac monitoring devices versus traditional methods in detecting atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 3 [cited 2024 Oct. 14];4:.962. Available from: https://sct.ageditor.ar/index.php/sct/article/view/962