Exploring Job Satisfaction and Caring Behaviors among Critical Care Nurses: A Descriptive Analytic Study





Caring behaviors, Critical care nurses, Job satisfaction, Nursing outcome, Saudi Arabia


Introduction: Caring behaviors are actions that prioritize the welfare of patients. Job satisfaction is one factor that can influence nurses' caring behaviors, as nurses with higher job satisfaction tend to exhibit more positive caring behaviors.
Objective: The study aimed to assess critical care nurses' job satisfaction levels, explore the dimensions of their caring behaviors, investigate the relationship between their caring behaviors and job satisfaction, and identify the significant independent predictors of nurses' job satisfaction and caring behavior in critical care units.
Method: The study used a descriptive-analytic, correlational, cross-sectional research design. It was conducted at the critical care units of King Fahd Military Medical Complex in Saudi Arabia. A convenience sample of 112 registered nurses completed an online survey that included the Job Satisfaction Survey and the Caring Behavior Inventory.
Results: The majority of respondents fall under the category of Ambivalent job satisfaction, constituting 67.9% of the total nurses. The analysis indicated a moderate job satisfaction level and a high caring behavior among critical care nurses. The study found a positive correlation between nurses' job satisfaction and caring behaviors. Factors such as working hours, work unit, and years of experience were significantly associated with nurses' job satisfaction. However, factors like operational procedures, co-worker relationships, nature of work, and working hours were significant predictors of nurses' caring behavior.
Conclusion: The study highlights the importance of addressing job satisfaction factors to enhance critical care nurses' caring behaviors, which can ultimately improve patient outcomes. Strategies to enhance nurses' job satisfaction and support their caring practices should be a priority for healthcare organizations


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How to Cite

Alenezi A, Abdalla A, Al Amoudi FA, Alfahd H, Ghazzawi M, Aldossary A, et al. Exploring Job Satisfaction and Caring Behaviors among Critical Care Nurses: A Descriptive Analytic Study. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 13 [cited 2024 Oct. 14];4:.956. Available from: https://sct.ageditor.ar/index.php/sct/article/view/956