Knowledge diffusion as a key element in smart governance
Smart governance, Knowledge diffusion, Information management, Public participation, Economic convergenceAbstract
This study examines the critical role of knowledge diffusion in smart governance within complex and globalized contexts, emphasizing its importance in driving technological advancement and fostering an information-driven society. By integrating smart governance with knowledge diffusion, the research aims to identify strategies for building a more equitable and inclusive society. A narrative review of documents from 2015 to 2023 was conducted using Boolean operators across major databases, followed by a rigorous selection and analysis using a traceability matrix. The findings highlight the innovative culture of smart governance, showcasing successful integration of citizen participation, public value creation, open government, and interorganizational collaboration. The results demonstrate that effective knowledge diffusion is essential for establishing robust governance systems that contribute significantly to economic and social development. The study concludes that embedding knowledge diffusion within smart governance frameworks can drive substantial societal improvements, promoting greater equity and justice
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