Perceptions of Undergraduate Training Among Male Nursing Students in Chile




Nursing education, Nursing Students, Men, Perception, Gender stereotypes


Introduction: the perception of nursing as a female profession persisted until the 60’s, when the first men graduated. Literature has supported stereotypes suggesting that nursing is more suitable by women. Men in nursing could face experiences of possible rejection or advantages. Many factors may lead male students to experience differences from their female peers, covers from invisibility to preferential treatment. Objective: to evaluate the perception of undergraduate training among male nursing students in their final year in Chile. Methodology: a qualitative approach with a descriptive design was used. Fifteen male students in their last year of nursing career from five universities from Santiago, Chile, were recruited. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Results: four themes emerged: difficulties or advantages of being male, gender-based characteristics, role expectations, and experiences of change. Conclusion: men in nursing experience positive aspects but face gender stigmas in classrooms and clinical practices, including doubts about their masculinity and preferential treatment. This study highlights the need for a gender-perspective educational approach and promotes policies that eradicate prejudgment, fostering equitable inclusion in the profession.


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How to Cite

Silva-Sánchez C, Oñate-Parra P, Carrera-Alarcón J. Perceptions of Undergraduate Training Among Male Nursing Students in Chile. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 9 [cited 2024 Sep. 10];4:.1290. Available from: