Experience as a physician attending to traffic accident victims in hospitals in Managua, Nicaragua







Introduction: Every 23 seconds a person dies from a traffic accident in the world, that is about 3756 deaths per day, with the consequent impact on relatives and health personnel. Doctors are part of the health team that is on the front line of care. Although this is part of their daily work, their feelings and emotions are deeply affected. There is a deficit of research of this type carried out by doctors.
Methodology: Qualitative study, under the constructivist paradigm with a phenomenological approach. The objective was; explore the lived experience of doctors who treat victims of traffic accidents. The sample was intentional with five participating physicians . The phenomenological interview was used as an information collection technique and analyses were carried out according to Van Manen.
Results: From the analysis, 15 codes were obtained inductively, which gave rise to 6 sub-themes: Impacts of Tragedies; Communication of bad news; Becoming of emotion; Coping; Narratives that endure and Resignation that in turn made up the 3 central themes: Body Lived in the impact, Time Lived in the here and after and Human Relations lived: between narratives and resignation.
Conclusion: The study reveals that doctors are indirect victims of adverse events in the face of damage to the patient and their family in the face of a traffic accident. Constant monitoring of their psychological and emotional well-being, training communication strategies and improving patient-centered curricular programs are recommended. Extending the study to other specialties would enrich this understanding..



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How to Cite

Chamorro Segovia EA de J, Herrera Castro KV, Ramos Herrera IM, Figueredo-Borda N, Ramírez-Pereira M. Experience as a physician attending to traffic accident victims in hospitals in Managua, Nicaragua. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 22 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];4:.913. Available from: https://sct.ageditor.ar/index.php/sct/article/view/913