Design and validation of a questionnaire on the perception of learning differential equations using sofware in university students




Questionnaire, Delphi Method, Differential equations, Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient, McDonald's Omega


Introduction: Differential equations' complexity and abstractness make teaching challenging in university settings. The use of educational software emerges as a valuable pedagogical tool to enhance the learning process.
Objective: This research aimed to design and validate a questionnaire to know university students' perception of learning differential equations through software.
Method: This mixed-methods research employed descriptive-explanatory methods to investigate the topic. A comprehensive literature review was conducted, key aspects of the study topic were identified, the target population and sample were determined, experts were selected, an initial 27-question questionnaire was developed, content validity and reliability were assessed, and data were analyzed. Content validity was established using the Delphi method with eight mathematics experts and validated further using Aiken's V coefficient. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha and Omega McDonald's coefficients, employing Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) statistical software.
Results: The experts assessed the adequacy, relevance, and clarity of the questions, ultimately validating 17 questions with an Aiken's V greater than 0.80 (with a 95% confidence interval). For reliability, an Alpha of 0.799 and an Omega of 0.798 were obtained, confirming that the 17 questions are well-correlated and consistently measure the same construct.
Conclusions: A 17-item questionnaire was developed with validated and consistent questions to gather reliable and accurate information on the perception of learning differential equations using educational software.



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How to Cite

Bonilla-Novillo SM, Jácome-Domínguez E Ángel, Moreno-Novillo Ángela C, Albuja-Jácome JE. Design and validation of a questionnaire on the perception of learning differential equations using sofware in university students. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];4:.912. Available from: