Prototype of innovative device for chest compression at the Universidad Private del Valle in Cochabamba, Bolivia
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation , Heart Arrest , Heart Massage , PrototypeAbstract
This article presents the development of a portable automatic chest compressor device using a rod-crank-piston mechanism. The main focus is on assessing the feasibility of manufacturing the device in Bolivia, primarily utilizing 3D printing technology and locally accessible components to create an economical device. The methodology involved reviewing appropriate techniques of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), analyzing the proposed mechanism, and researching chest compression devices available in the market for insights. Using this information as a foundation, a device inspired by the Weil Mini model was designed but implementing a rod-crank-piston mechanism for compressions. The construction of the prototype progressed through different phases, culminating in a portable device with manual control and the ability to store treatment data in a wirelessly connected application, allowing for equipment maintenance by service personnel. The conducted tests yielded satisfactory results, demonstrating that the device correctly compressed a calibrated CPR manikin, meeting all the requirements established by the American Heart Association (AHA) standards. Additionally, the development of software, implemented safety systems, and the creation of the web application for maintenance and data logging represent distinctive features of the prototype
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Copyright (c) 2024 Marco Fabian Borda Wiegert, Mauricio Marcelo Peredo Claros, Eynar Calle Viles, Rommer Alex Ortega Martinez (Author)
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