Psychosocial factors in strategic management in the nursing staff of Dr. Joaquín Castellanos Hospital
Psychosocial Impact, Nursing staff, Work EnvironmentAbstract
Introduction: the concept of psychosocial factors at work is relatively recent. The sum of psychosocial factors at work and at home is a potential trigger of psychosocial risks in nursing staff, which later become health problems.
Objective: to describe the perception of psychosocial factors and their relationship with the working conditions and environment in the nursing human resources of the Emergency Services and Shock Room of a secondary hospital.
Method: an observational, descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out at the Dr. Joaquín Castellanos Hospital of the General Güemes Department, Salta province in Argentina, in May 2020. The sample consisted of 13 nurses and 2 unit shift managers. of analysis, selected by means of an intentional sampling of a non-probabilistic type. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used.
Results: it was observed that the nurses are exposed to the quantitative requirement (p=0,05); the pace of work (p=0,05); emotional demands (p=0,05); the demands of hiding emotions (p=0,05) and the double presence (p=0,05). Two men (13,3 %) and 13 women (86,7 %) were identified. 80 % were found in the range of 31 to 45 years and 20 % were older than 45 years. 46,6 % of human resources had worked between 5 and 10 years, while 53,4 % for more than 10 years.
Conclusions: the quantitative requirement; the pace of work; emotional demands; the demands of hiding emotions and double presence are factors to which nurses are exposed
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Copyright (c) 2023 Norma Nancy Cachi , Juan Celestino Valdés Rojas (Author)

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