Educational management as a driver of scientific and technological research: New horizons for innovation
Process-Based Educational Management, People With Diverse Abilities, Pedagogical Strategies, Development Of Scientific And Technological SkillsAbstract
Educational management is interpreted indistinctly as the organizational managerial activity most closely related to its actions. However, educational management is not limited only to considering technical and methodological aspects. Education aims at the integral formation of the individual, and someone is educated in order to achieve a purpose. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the needs of all those who belong to and are involved in the educational institution from its own management. It is well known that technological innovation plays an increasingly important role as a factor of competitiveness for companies. The word "innovation" is constantly used as a synonym for progress, technological development, job creation and improvement of living conditions. Innovation is spoken of in the economic (e.g. technological innovation in companies) and social spheres (in areas such as healthcare, leisure, working conditions and transportation, among others). In this sense, the general objective of the research is to explain the influence of educational management on scientific and technological research, the pillars of innovation. From a methodological point of view, a documentary review is carried out on future projections within the framework of these variables, in order to integrate diverse experiences and models, taking as a reference the results obtained. It is concluded that all these changes are generating new forms of work and new economic scenarios, in which the keys to creating employment and improving the quality of life are based on innovative ideas applied to new products, processes and services
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Copyright (c) 2022 Byron Eduardo Zavala-Soledispa , Betty Janeth Soledispa-Cañarte , Pilar Asunción Soledispa-Cañarte , Glenda Marcela Sarmiento Tomalá (Author)
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