Impact of the implementation of unconventional digital graphic organizers on the generation of meaningful learning




Virtual Resource, Visual Tool, Education, Strategies, Teaching


Introduction: in higher education, the integration of graphic organizers in teaching can enhance the understanding and retention of content, thereby contributing to the academic development of students. 
Objective: analyze the impact of the implementation of unconventional digital graphic organizers on the generation of meaningful learning in first-semester students at the Central University of Ecuador. 
Methods: 156 first-semester students participated in the "Leadership" course in the Civil Engineering program at Central University of Ecuador. The research was longitudinal and observational with a pre-experimental design. Pre and post-tests were conducted addressing the impact of digital graphic organizers on meaningful learning. 
Results: an increase in the usage of less common digital graphic organizers is revealed, showing a strong correlation with meaningful learning analyzed through the correlation coefficient. The Chi-square test supports that graphic organizers positively influence meaningful learning. 
Conclusions: the importance of adapting methodological strategies to university students is emphasized, acknowledging that success depends not only on these strategies but also on the creativity and flexibility of teaching. The inclusion of unconventional digital graphic organizers in teaching significantly benefits the generation of meaningful learning, suggesting that these structured visual tools are valuable for enhancing understanding. This knowledge will drive educators to design interventions that maximize learning


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How to Cite

Guerrero-Gallardo HI, León Quinapallo XP. Impact of the implementation of unconventional digital graphic organizers on the generation of meaningful learning. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 14 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];4:798. Available from: