Assessment of predictors of satisfaction with life in pre-service teacher education students




Personal Satisfaction, Psychological Resilience, Social Support, Self-Esteem, Students, Psychological Well-Being


Introduction: satisfaction with life plays a crucial role in students' academic and personal experience as it can influence their academic performance, emotional well-being, and adaptation to the higher education environment.
Objective: to determine whether resilience, perceived social support, and self-esteem predict satisfaction with life in Peruvian pre-service teacher education students.
Methods: a quantitative, observational, analytical, predictive, and cross-sectional study was conducted. The sample consisted of 215 students of both sexes who were administered the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale Short Form, the Social Support Perception Scale, the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, and the Satisfaction with Life Scale, instruments with adequate psychometric properties. Regarding statistical methods, Pearson correlation coefficient was used, followed by multiple linear regression analysis.
Results: multiple regression analysis showed a good fit for the model (F=78,319; p<0,05), indicating that resilience (β=0,103; p<0,05), perceived social support (β=0,268; p<0,05), and self-esteem (β=0,274; p<0,05) explained 52 % of the total variance of the satisfaction with life variable.
Conclusions: resilience, perceived social support, and self-esteem predict satisfaction with life in Peruvian pre-service teacher education students. Therefore, it is recommended to foster an institutional culture that values and promotes students' emotional well-being, providing psychological and emotional support resources and services


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How to Cite

Estrada-Araoz EG, Larico-Uchamaco GR, Ferreyros-Yucra JE, Revilla-Mendoza SM, Ruiz-Tejada JO. Assessment of predictors of satisfaction with life in pre-service teacher education students. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 12 [cited 2024 Sep. 13];4:834. Available from: