Decisional balance, beliefs, and knowledge of nursing care toward alcohol: nursing intervention




Decisional Balance, Beliefs, Knowledge, Nursing Care, Nursing Intervention


Introduction: the progressive increase of alcohol consumption justifies the demand of users in primary care, clinical and surgical units; resulting in the prevention of the use of this substance a priority for nursing professionals in relation to their functions and main objective to provide quality interventions to the individual, family, or community. 
Objective: to modulate the decisional balance, beliefs, and knowledge of nursing care towards alcohol through a nursing intervention. 
Methodology: psychoeducational intervention, quasi-experimental, of mixed type, explanatory character, by the qualitative is ethnographic, of longitudinal cohort, prospective, since it was carried out in time series with measurement before and after the intervention applying pre and posttest evaluation instruments during the time, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of a nursing intervention. Participation of an experimental study group, implementing 10 sessions of 60 minutes, distributed in the months of May and June 2023, respecting the educational, sociocultural context and reference and legal framework for the execution of research projects. 
Results: it was identified that students from 14 to 18 years old are the most at risk for the initiation of alcohol consumption (rs= 0.866, p<0.01) and 0 in the level of concurrence, it is confirmed that the nursing intervention was effective, decreasing alcohol consumption (rs= 0,090, p<0.01), improving caregiving attitudes (rs=0.682, p=<0.05). 
Conclusion: it is important to promote an optimal state of health by putting preventive actions before preventive actions and intervening in an effective way at a lower school grade


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How to Cite

Luna Hernández OD, Salazar-Mendoza J, Onofre Santiago M de los Ángeles, Lozada Rodríguez SM, Castellanos Contreras E, Ortiz Vargas I, et al. Decisional balance, beliefs, and knowledge of nursing care toward alcohol: nursing intervention. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 13];4:839. Available from: