Diet quality in mapuche communities in the communes of Lanco and Panguipulli, Chile. A descriptive study
Indigenous People, Food Quality, Diet, AcculturationAbstract
Introduction: the Mapuche ancestral diet has been replaced by a westernized diet, which is characterized by the use of processed and quick-prepared foods.
Objective: to identify the quality of the diet of Mapuche communities that live in the communes of Lanco and Panguipulli.
Methods: a descriptive study was carried out through a survey created by the authors of the study, applied in person, in the houses of the subjects of the sample, which included characterization of the sample, eating habits and lifestyle.
Results: the survey was answered by 77 subjects, of whom 68,8 % practice a Western diet, 98,7 % are aware of the Mapuche diet, 100 % have consumed Mapuche foods in the last year, and 90,9 % want to increase the Mapuche food consumption.
Conclusions: these data conclude that some foods typical of the Mapuche ancestral diet continue to be prepared and consumed by the observed communities
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Copyright (c) 2024 Alyson Jiménez, Belén Millapán, María José Valdivia, Jorge Fernández (Author)
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