Bibliometric analysis of theses on plant tissue culture in the universities of Peru
Plant Biotechnology, Organogenesis, Somatic Embryogenesis, Peruvian UniversitiesAbstract
Introduction: plant tissue culture is a set of biotechnological methods involving propagation and regeneration of plant cells, tissues, organs by specific control of nutritional factors. The bibliometric study turns out to be a great source of information on the development of a certain area, since it employs methods of measurement and comparison of data on the different sources obtained.
Objective: scientific production was characterized through bibliometric analysis of theses on plant tissue culture in Peruvian universities. We analyzed undergraduate and graduate theses on in vitro plant tissue culture in the period 1997 - 2023 from 143 public and private universities.
Methods: the sample was delimited in 24 universities (22 public and 2 private) with specialties such as Biology, Biotechnology, Agronomic Engineering, Biotechnological Engineering and others.
Results: there are 126 published theses on the subject of plant tissue culture in 24 Peruvian universities. Of the total number of published theses, a higher percentage of undergraduate theses was obtained with 84,13 %, while master's theses represented 11,90 % and doctoral theses 3,97 %. The Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM) has 28 theses (22,22 %), followed by the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (UNT) with 19 (15,1 %), etc.
Conclusions: this bibliometric study of theses in plant tissue culture has identified that there is a greater concentration of research in this area in public universities, in addition to being linked to Schools of Agricultural Engineering and Biology
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mao Yupanqui-Celestino, Brayan Lugo, Giselle Jazmín Aguilar-Balabarca, Allison Esmeralda Lozano-Galindo, Carlos Roberto Pesantes-Rojas, Hermila Belba Díaz-Pillasca (Author)

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