Reflection and pedagogical contextualization in the development of innovative educational practices




Education, Educational Innovation, Pedagogical Reflection, Contextualization



The need to innovate student-centered educational practices adapted to constant changes highlights the importance of deepening reflection and pedagogical contextualization. The aim of this research was to identify the relationships between reflection and pedagogical contextualization. A systematic review of the relationship between reflection and pedagogical contextualization in innovative educational practices was conducted, using the PRISMA methodology to ensure rigor and transparency. The search was carried out in the SciELO, Dialnet, and Redalyc databases, initially identifying 328 documents, with 9 articles selected for the study. The interdependence between reflection and pedagogical contextualization is revealed, emphasizing their crucial role in innovative educational practices; this drives innovation, being essential for questioning and adapting practices. Additionally, adaptation to context and constant evaluation are fundamental for success, facing challenges such as equity and resistance to change. It is concluded that this interdependence will enable the design of educational interventions that promote a culture of reflection; furthermore, the importance of adapting pedagogical practices to the context and the participation of the educational community in the innovation process is recognized


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Systematic reviews or meta-analyses

How to Cite

Barba-Miranda LC, Gómez-Rivero JO. Reflection and pedagogical contextualization in the development of innovative educational practices. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];4:896. Available from: