Parental Upbringing, Nutritional Status, and Physical Activity in Preschoolers




Mother-Child Relations, Body Weight, Body Mass Index, Child Rearing, Exercise, Feeding Behavior, Child, Preschool


Introduction: in Mexico the prevalence of childhood obesity has experienced an alarming increase; it was reported that 9,7 % of children under 5 years of age were suffering from overweight or obesity. This situation was exacerbated in the northern region of the country with a prevalence of 13,2 %. Within this context, Parenting Style has been identified as a determinant factor in children's eating behavior, directly influencing their Body Mass Index. 
Aim: to understand the relationship between Parenting Styles (General and by type of Parenting Style), Body Mass Index, and Physical Activity of preschoolers. 
Methodology: a cross-sectional, descriptive, and correlational study involved 664 individuals, comprising 332 mother/child dyads, aged between 3 and 5 years. Variables were measured using the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) and the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Parents of Preschool Children, with descriptive and correlational statistics being conducted. 
Results: a positive and significant correlation was found between the Democratic Parenteral Parenting Style with the minutes that preschoolers dedicated to performing mild physical activities (rs = 0,136, p<0,05) and moderate physical activities (rs = 0,172, p<0,01). ). Permissive and authoritarian parenting styles did not show significant relationships with minutes of physical activity. 
Discussion: despite the lack of correlation between the general Parenting Style and BMI, this finding underscores the complexity of factors shaping children's physical activity, suggesting the need for multifaceted strategies that include parental education, improvements in infrastructure, and public policies to promote a healthy lifestyle among children


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How to Cite

Guevara Valtier MC, Paz Morales M de los Ángeles, Soltero Rivera SG, Rueda-Sánchez CB, Quintana-Lagunas R, Navarro Rodríguez DC. Parental Upbringing, Nutritional Status, and Physical Activity in Preschoolers. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 9 [cited 2024 Sep. 10];4:933. Available from: