Description of the concern for dental aesthetics in dental students from UNIANDES, Ecuador




Psychosocial Impact, Dental Aesthetics, Oral Health, Self-Esteem, Dental Education


Oral diseases have a significant impact on aesthetics and well-being, particularly affecting adolescents. This developmental phase is marked by noticeable physical and psychological changes, where self-image and social perception become crucial and can adversely influence self-esteem. The study conducted in May 2023 at UNIANDES University, Ecuador, aimed to describe the oral health of dental students, analyzing how dental aesthetics affects perfectionism and self-worth. Classified as descriptive, observational, prospective, and cross-sectional, detailed questionnaires were administered to first-, fifth, and sixth-semester students, providing in-depth insight into the interaction of these factors in a university setting. The study found that concern for dental aesthetics increases with academic progression. Students in advanced semesters show a growing concern for the appearance of their teeth and are more willing to seek cosmetic dental treatments. This attitude is accompanied by a more frequent comparison with the teeth of others and an awareness of the social impact of their dental aesthetics. Such findings highlight a direct correlation between the level of study and dental self-perception, emphasizing the need to include psychosocial support in dental training. It is concluded that progress in the dentistry career entails a greater self-criticism of dental aesthetics, highlighting the importance of educational strategies to manage expectations and promote mental health


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How to Cite

Reyes Espinoza K, Resabala C, Ibarra J. Description of the concern for dental aesthetics in dental students from UNIANDES, Ecuador. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 4 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];4:934. Available from: