Nursing interventions in childhood obesity




Childhood Obesity, Nursing Car, Overweight, Obesity


Introduction: obesity is a chronic disease characterized by a high percentage of fat in the human body, caused mainly by endogenous (genetic), biological and exogenous causes (life habits), representing a serious public health problem. 
Objective: to know the nursing interventions in childhood obesity. 
Methods: a systemic review of scientific articles was carried out using the PICO strategy. The search was carried out according to PRISMA parameters where initially 40 articles were obtained, of which 18 were included under inclusion criteria such as: Original studies, clinical trials, systematic reviews and meta-analysis, free access, English and Spanish languages and that have been published. between the years 2019 and 2023; while, the exclusion criteria were: degree thesis and documents that did not meet the inclusion criteria. The databases were: ELSEVIER, MEDLINE, Redalyc, SCIELO, Latindex, Dialnet, Latin REV, Scopus using descriptors in health sciences (DECS) from Bireme and the Medical Subject Headings (MESH) from the National Library of Medicine in English, such as: (interventions) AND (childhood obesity AND (Nursing). 
Results: nursing interventions focused mainly on improving eating behaviors and reducing sedentary lifestyle. Those related to the family were more successful, because, by training adults the quality of life of the child is improved. Conclusions: The training of nursing staff is essential for the management and care of childhood obesity


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How to Cite

Yagchirema Yancha KM, Velasco Acurio EF. Nursing interventions in childhood obesity. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 12];4:960. Available from: