Scale of Fear of Funa in Social Networks (FFSN): Construction and psychometric properties




Funa, Funas, Social Networks, Mental Health


Introduction: A funa is a form of public rebuke, often carried out through digital platforms, in which a person or entity is exposed to behaviors considered inappropriate, unfair, or immoral. This practice may include disclosing personal or professional information about the person or entity, often seeking to generate a social reaction or collective punishment. This research aimed to construct and validate a scale to measure the fear of funa in social networks. 
Method: the present study had four phases, with a total sample of n=901:(1) construction, validation, and adjustment of the items by experts (n=10),(2) pilot application n=50, (3) application for exploratory factor analysis (EFA) n=319 and (4) application for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) n=522. 
Results: the EFA revealed two underlying factors in the scale, "Anxiety about funas in social networks" and "Fear of the consequences of funas in social networks". The confirmatory factor analysis showed a good psychometric fit of the model. The CFA showed a good psychometric fit: χ² (19) = 78,999, p < 0,001; RMR = 0,051; GFI = 0,961; RMSEA = 0,078; NFI = 0,967; RFI = 0,952; IFI = 0,975; TLI = 0,963; CFI = 0,975; PRATIO = 0,679; PNFI = 0,656; PCFI = 0,662. 
Conclusions: this research aimed to construct and validate a scale to measure the fear of funa in social networks. The constructed FFSN is valid and showed a good psychometric fit


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How to Cite

Martínez-Líbano J, Yeomans-Cabrera M-M. Scale of Fear of Funa in Social Networks (FFSN): Construction and psychometric properties. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 10];4:1006. Available from: