The complex relationship between technostress and academic performance in young college students




Students, Academic Performance, Technology, Universities


The study was carried out with the aim of evaluating the relationship between technostress and the academic performance of young university students. The research was developed from a quantitative perspective using a deductive and correlational explanatory method. A twenty-eight (28) question Likert scale type instrument was structured to measure the variables. The TE technostress construct was measured with an instrument adapted from the RED-Technostress scale and for the academic performance variable RA, the items were adapted from a scale of their own. Non-probabilistic convenience sampling was used, and the construct was evaluated with structural equation modelling supported by SPSS V24 software and its AMOS add-on. A total of 260 questionnaires were administered. As a result, it was found that there is a negative and insignificant relationship between technostress (TE) and academic performance (RA) (-0,184; p < 0,00). In relation to the dimensions of technostress and academic performance, we obtained scepticism (E) (-0,264; p < 0,00); fatigue (F) (-0,143; p < 0,00); anxiety (A) (-0,179; p < 0,00); inefficacy (I) (-0,214; p < 0,00); and addition (AD) (0,222; p < 0,00). In conclusion, the levels of technostress experienced by the young students were low, while the relationship between technostress and academic performance was negative; however, it is not the levels expected and evidenced in other studies. It is noted that this study contributes to understanding an understudied phenomenon in young educational populations that appears to behave differently from older populations in the business field


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How to Cite

Andrade Navia JM, Jiménez Zapata EM, Jiménez Zapata R. The complex relationship between technostress and academic performance in young college students. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];4:1012. Available from: