Gamification for learning mathematics in secondary school: Most effective gamified strategies to motivate students and improve their performance in mathematics
Gamification, Math, Secondary Education, Motivation, Academic PerformanceAbstract
Gamification in secondary mathematics learning is a strategy explored to motivate older people and improve school results. Various gamified strategies are being examined to achieve this effect. The theoretical foundations rest on the theory of flux and the theory of self-determination. The methods used include points and reward systems, récits and characters, challenges and competitions, progression and levels, as well as immediate feedback. The results indicate a positive impact on students' motivation and academic performance. Gamification has been shown to increase participation and engagement, leading to better math results. In conclusion, gamification offers effective strategies to promote second mathematics learning, although the need to adapt to the individual and dynamic desires of the class is reconnected. This approach can complement traditional pedagogical practices and improve the mathematics pedagogical experience of secondary students
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Lexicer Moreira Parrales, Manuel de Jesús Mejía Carrillo, Mario Orlando Suarez Ibujes, Jhonny Santiago Torres Penafiel (Author)
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