Otherness and otherness in health based on the philosophy of Enmanuel Lévinas. Nursing approach





Otherness, Alterity, Health, Illness


This essay analyzes how nursing professionals are prone to face ethical differences due to their own responsibilities associated with the care of people and the fact of working in a more complex health environment. In addition, it is analyzed how traditional nursing has been displaced by the increasing use of technologies. For this inquiry, philosophical thinking is proposed based on the criteria of Enmanuel Lévinas. To enter into the study of otherness and otherness is to try to define through his practices of care exposed by means of the profession. The application of humanization as a source of conscience is presented in it and at the same time it is valued as a transcendental element for a correct attention to the user. Examining the ideas of Lévinas in nursing makes us think about what is the purpose of the profession and how it should be used, this will lead to the fact that the profession has to focus on the users, the reason for the work done and the care provided to them is the reason to exist, that without the others there is no sense in the existence of being a Nurse. It is concluded that it is necessary to carry out a reflection on the current practice of nursing, in which the look from "the other" as the axis of care is incorporated and retaken


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How to Cite

Elizalde Ordoñez H, Lescano Ortega LL, Gavidia Villaroel JS, Ninacuri Guachi JA, Pila Reisancho JM. Otherness and otherness in health based on the philosophy of Enmanuel Lévinas. Nursing approach. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 13];4:1062. Available from: https://sct.ageditor.ar/index.php/sct/article/view/727