Suitable and quality palliative care, a look with a human approach from the nursing role




Nursing, Palliative Care, Palliative Care at the End of Life, Palliative Care Nursing, Competency-Based Education, Role of the Nurse


Introduction: a review of the literature was carried out, which approaches and introduces the palliative care provided by nursing professionals, with a perspective from their competencies suitable for the management of patients approaching the end of life and their families. 
Objective: to interpret and integrate conceptual frameworks referring to suitable and quality palliative care with a humanized approach based on the practices of the nursing role. 
Methods: qualitative-hermeneutic, narrative-interpretative and documentary study based on literature review. 
Development: at present, palliative care requirements are progressively increasing in various parts of the world, but only 14 % of people who need palliative care receive it. Through the critical analysis of the scientific literature, we seek to determine the ideal capabilities of palliative care nursing professionals to ensure the quality of life of people while it comes to an end, and also to answer questions raised in the conceptual integration of the nursing role and its competencies, These were evaluated by means of structure indicators (which measure the characteristics of the health services and the physical, occupational, organizational and financial resources), process indicators (which measure the quality of the care provided to the patient) and outcome indicators (which measure the success of the health care provided).
Conclusions: it was evidenced that nurses present in palliative care services have their own competencies to perform in this field, it was also possible to identify the importance of providing mandatory, continuous and advanced training to the professional nurse in palliative care, since the nurse is considered the main element in the care of the person and his/her environment under these conditions


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How to Cite

Rincón Gómez CY, Valoyes Martínez DK, Rincón Álvarez L, Silva Bárcenas M, Pulido Montes MA. Suitable and quality palliative care, a look with a human approach from the nursing role. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 18 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];4:1130. Available from: