Nursing interventions to promote healthy lifestyles in older adults with high blood pressure
Intervention, Nursing, Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Lifestyle, Older AdultAbstract
This study sought to describe and summarize the effects of nursing interventions for the promotion of healthy lifestyles in the elderly with arterial hypertension. The scope of the use of these interventions makes it possible to appreciate the related problems in neurological, cardiovascular, and renal complications. The current situation is a problem without achieving criteria, which need to be clarified through systematic reviews with livelihoods. For this review, a bibliographic search was carried out using an electronic database manager that includes searches at: Scopus, Wiley Online Library, Magiran, Sid, Cochran, Embase, Pubmed (Medline), Web of Science, Embase, Ovid, Cinahl, and Google Scholar, according to the Prism guidelines. The result has been 47 articles with temporary relevance between 2019 and March 2024. As a search criteria, keywords were used: (I) nursing intervention; (II) healthy lifestyles; (III) older adults; (IV) arterial hypertension. The systematic analysis highlights that age, gender, ethnicity, and family history have been associated with the factors that cause arterial hypertension. In conclusion, four clinical factors have been determined that must influence the adoption of healthy lifestyles in older adults with arterial hypertension. These factors tend to impact their consciousness of the disease: the need to control blood pressure, the management of related diseases, and the prevention of complications. It can be intervened with patient education protocols, drug administration with the respective physical care and care in older adults with arterial hypertension, individually and in groups, in order to promote self-management in your health for modification in lifestyles, helping to avoid or reduce high blood pressure
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sonia Verónica Sotamba Duchi, Paola Maricela Machado Herrera, Angélica Salomé Herrera Molina, Verónica Sofia Quenorán Almeida (Author)

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