Methodological research competencies of pre-service teachers




Competencies, Teacher Training, Research, Methodology


The exercise of teaching requires the development of research processes as an activity inherent to the profession. From this statement, the objective of this research was derived, which was to analyze the methodological competencies in research of teachers in training at two universities in Ecuador. To this end, a study was developed with a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental design and exploratory field research. The sample was intentional with 325 students from two universities in Ecuador, to whom a digital form was shared, attending to the methodological dimensions referred to determination of approaches, designs, scope, sample selection, instrument design, as well as information analysis, among others. The results indicated greater difficulties in defining the appropriate methodological route for the research, connecting the methodological theory to the reality of the study, constructing the instruments according to the research interests, interpreting and/or analyzing the results obtained and relating the results to the existing theory. It is concluded that the student's willingness to develop metacognitive processes that self-regulate their learning and the dedication of the teacher is required for the search for strategies that allow the achievement of the objectives in the subjects of the epistemology and research methodology field


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How to Cite

Rivas-Urrego G, Urrego AJ, Araque JC, Valencia S. Methodological research competencies of pre-service teachers. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];4:1216. Available from: