Factors related to Morbidity and Mortality in cases of Maternal death of the Mexican Social Security Institute of Sinaloa for the year 2021- 2022
Mortality, Morbidity, Maternal Health, Primary CareAbstract
Introduction: obstetric morbidity runs parallel to maternal mortality rates, so it is a way to evaluate the quality of care provided. Behind every maternal death lies a personal tragedy that can be resolved. The objective is to relate the factors of Maternal Morbidity and Mortality in cases of maternal death in the Mexican Social Security Institute, Sinaloa from 2021 to 2022.
Method: study population integrated into a sample of 116 pregnant women from the IMSS Sinaloa, identified through the “PAMM” database and institutional records, associating sociodemographic variables, reproductive and prenatal risk factors, comorbidities in the pregnant stage and action protocols, achieving the creation of a logistic regression model. Non-probabilistic convenience sampling. Observational, analytical, retrospective and transversal research design.
Results: the variables of pregestational care, BMI, transfer, place of occurrence, APP of DM2 and SAH, complications in previous pregnancies and immunization of COVID and influenza, explain maternal mortality by 55,2 % according to the Cox and Snell R2 coefficient.
Conclusion: addressing the differences of the health institution by ethnicity, gender, social territory, life cycles will give the possibility of making visible the true scenarios behind a maternal death: Preconception risk factors and Specific Action Protocols
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Copyright (c) 2024 Dorantes Bernal Kimberly Estefanía, Corvera Castro Karla Susana, Inzunza Leyva Gerardo Kenny, Robles Rosas María Rosario Isabel , Ortiz Fonseca Dulce Samantha, Gutiérrez García Sofía, Serrano Bernal Katya Guadalupe, Tirado Reyes Roberto Joel, Dorantes Álvarez Luis Alfredo, Carlón Núñez Carlos Alberto (Author)
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