Evaluation of the use of virtual simulators for training in problem-solving skills in university students





Virtual Simulators, Problem Resolution, Higher Education, Practical Learning, Professional Skills


The objective of this article is to evaluate the effectiveness of virtual simulators in training problem-solving skills in university students, a crucial aspect for their professional performance. To carry out this evaluation, a documentary review of various surveys and case studies was carried out. Academic articles, technical reports, and student and faculty survey data were analyzed to obtain a comprehensive view of the use of virtual simulators in higher education.Research results indicate that virtual simulators not only improve students' theoretical understanding, but also allow them to apply their knowledge in controlled and safe environments, replicating real-world situations. These simulators provide an environment where students can make mistakes and learn from them without real consequences, strengthening their ability to address complex problems and make informed decisions. The case studies reviewed show specific benefits in various academic disciplines, highlighting a positive impact on academic performance and career preparation. However, challenges and limitations were identified, such as the cost of implementing the simulators and the need for adequate training for instructors. Evaluating the use of virtual simulators for training problem-solving skills in university students is a crucial area of study in contemporary education. The research reviewed highlights the growing importance of these educational technologies in promoting more interactive and practical learning, facilitating the development of skills essential for success


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How to Cite

Cajamarca Carrazco DI, Hidalgo Cajo DP, Jhon Alexander Ponce Alencastro JA, Típula Quispe N. Evaluation of the use of virtual simulators for training in problem-solving skills in university students. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];4:1281. Available from: https://sct.ageditor.ar/index.php/sct/article/view/671