Risk factors associated with the development of pulmonary thromboembolism in adult patients diagnosed with COVID-19
Post COVID-19 Disease, Pulmonary Embolism, Risk FactorsAbstract
Introduction: COVID-19 infection encompasses several clinical manifestations ranging from cough, fever, myalgia, dyspnea, fatigue and rhinorrhea to an asymptomatic infection in some of the cases, to this is added and gains importance as a complication of COVID-19 coagulation diseases among which we find pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE), in fact it has been possible to identify patients who have come to die from this cause associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Objective: to describe the risk factors associated with the development of pulmonary thromboembolism in adult patients diagnosed with COVID-19.
Methods: narrative literature review including meta-analyses, systematic reviews, review articles and research articles published in PubMed and Web of Science between 2020-2022.
Conclusions: it was determined that there are risk factors that favor the development of PTE associated with COVID-19, of which we mention some such as age, admission to intensive care units (ICU) and even the patient's sex, it should be emphasized that each of these is related to a greater or lesser extent so they should be considered and associated taking into account that distinction
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Copyright (c) 2022 John Stalyn Guapisaca Gaona, Esthefany Belén Guartambel Cajamarca, Danilo Gustavo Muñoz Palomeque, Mónica Fernanda Angamarca Coello (Author)
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