Adverse Childhood Experiences, Family Functionality, and Severity of Psychoactive Substance Dependence
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Family Functionality, Severity of Psychoactive Substance Dependence, Mental HealthAbstract
Introduction: adverse childhood experiences are related to mental health problems and substance use in adulthood and are defined as a series of events and experiences perceived as harmful by children and adolescents.
Objective: to establish the relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Family Functionality and Severity of Psychoactive Substance Dependence in adults.
Method: quantitative, correlational-exploratory, non-experimental and cross-sectional study, in a population of 152 people in treatment for substance use during the year 2023, between 18 and 65 years of age, with a focus on 5 public treatment centers in Chile, with a purposive sample of 64 cases. An instrument composed of 3 scales was applied, and descriptive analysis, correlations and linear regression were carried out.
Results: there is a high correlation in the 5 subscales of the CTQ-SF of Early Adverse Experiences. The lower the Family Functionality, the higher the levels of Early Adverse Experiences. The detached/separated type of families predominate, but Family Functionality does not correlate significantly with Severity of Psychoactive Substance Dependence.
Discussion: psychoactive substance severity does correlate significantly positively with living Early Adverse Experiences. Likewise, the study positively signifies the joint relationship of predictor variables.
Conclusions: early adverse experience is related to problematic substance use in adulthood, the traumatic event arises within the family, systemically affecting mental health in adulthood, independent of its structure and composition
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