Trends in research on nature tourism-induced diseases in the SCOPUS database
Bibliometrics, Diseases, Quantitative Study, Nature TourismAbstract
Tourism is a multidimensional activity that involves various economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects, and among the types of tourism, nature tourism can be a risk factor for health, as travellers can be exposed to various diseases. The aim of the research is to analyse research trends on diseases caused by nature tourism in the SCOPUS database. The research paradigm is quantitative, based on a bibliometric study, using a descriptive and retrospective approach. Only review and research articles were considered, without language restriction. The behaviour of the research was positive and increasing, with a maximum peak of 30 research papers, predominantly research articles in the area of environmental sciences. The most productive country with 25 papers was the United States, while the most prominent affiliation was Griffith University with four research papers from Australia. Three lines of scientific research and the most productive authors in the subject were identified, as well as an analysis of the citation levels in the period. Nature tourism, also referred to in the literature as ecotourism or green tourism, is a type of travel that focuses on the exploration and enjoyment of nature's diversity, allowing travellers to connect with the land and biodiversity
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