Stereotypes in young adults of a community towards old age
Age Discrimination, Ageism, Elderly, Elder Abuse, Young AdultAbstract
Introduction: old age is a stage of life that begins at the age of 65, a natural physiological process that all human beings go through. Negative stereotypes affect older adults, impacting their physical and emotional well-being and influencing the attitudes of younger generations.
Objective: to evaluate the perception that young adults in a community have towards old age.
Methods: research with a quantitative approach, non-experimental transversal design of descriptive scope, the sample was of 133 people between 20 and 39 years old, residents of the Ambatillo parish, La Esperanza neighborhood, the negative stereotypes towards old age questionnaire (CENVE) was applied, the results were tabulated in the SPSS statistical program and the bioethical aspects indicated in the Helsinki declaration were respected.
Results: young adults showed positive stereotypes 57,1 % and negative stereotypes 42,9 %. The health, personal character and social motivation dimensions of the questionnaire emphasized a positive perception in the respondents. A 76,7 % of the sample mentioned that they had not heard of stereotypes towards old age.
Conclusion: women showed a more positive inclination than men, age, marital status and level of education also influenced the perception of old age. Finally, we could assert that people with negative stereotypes have limited information since a significant percentage mentioned that they had not heard about stereotypes towards old age
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Copyright (c) 2024 Katherine Alexandra Brito Torres, Valeria Isabel Espín López (Author)

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