Ergonomic evaluation of the chicken hanger workplace in a bird processing company
Ergonomics, Musculoskeletal Diseases, Upper Extremity, Occupational Health, Poultry deboningAbstract
Introduction: in the poultry processing industry, activities are developed that require the performance of multiple repetitive tasks, generally while standing upright; which increases the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders in the upper extremities and lower back. These risk factors include: repetitive movements, forced postures, awkward and static postures, vibration and high and low temperatures. Affecting body segments such as neck, shoulders and back. Aim: To ergonomically evaluate the work station: "chicken hanger" of a poultry processing company, in the state of Aragua-Venezuela, during the year 2022. Methods: Quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental, field and cross-sectional research. The population and census sample is constituted by eight (8) workers. In the collection of information, the interview was applied to obtain sociodemographic and labor data, in the description of the work position the documented observation technique was used and for the determination of musculoskeletal discomfort the body schema of pain and the Check List OCRA method were used.
Result: the entire population is male, right-handed, average age 33 ±2.67, normal weight, average seniority 4 years ±2.36, with pain at the end of the workday in the shoulder, lower back, upper back and knees. Their Ocra Index was high on the right side and medium on the left side.
Conclusion: in the job "chicken hanger" there is a high risk of suffering musculoskeletal disorders in the upper limbs, with greater relevance in the right upper limb
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Copyright (c) 2022 Isabel Zea Quispe , Misael Ron , Estela Hernández-Runque , Evelin Escalona , Valentina Trovat-Ascanio (Author)
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