Implementation of an educational program to improve learning about Tuberculosis prevention, Ecuador 2023




EDU-TB Program, learning, prevention, tuberculosis


A research was developed and its main purpose was to corroborate the effect of the EDU-TB Program to enhance learning about TB prevention in the IRE of the Central University of Ecuador, 2023. Applied research was considered and a longitudinal study was carried out which allowed the evaluation of the variables before and after the implementation of the EDU-TB Program. With a quantitative approach to research. The population was made up of 136 IRE. When comparing the results obtained by both the control and experimental groups, it is evident that the learning levels of those who received the content increased. This could be verified with the application of test and also through statistical processing. Verification of the study hypotheses. The implemented research met the objectives set by demonstrating the effectiveness of the educational program, designed for interaction with students who are pursuing their specialization in nursing. Two important contributions are made, firstly an instrument to evaluate knowledge about TB prevention, which was correctly validated, making it reliable material. The second contribution is made up of the EDU-TB Program, which was effective and fulfilled its purposes


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How to Cite

Tapia Puga VM, Núñez Lira LA, Ocaña Fernandez Y, Sánchez Moreno BF, Tapia Puga LI. Implementation of an educational program to improve learning about Tuberculosis prevention, Ecuador 2023. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 29 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];4:845. Available from: