Historical trend analysis of the methodological teaching work management in the medical career
Management, Methodological Work, Career, Medicine, Medical EducationAbstract
Introduction: The Cuban educational model of professional training in the health sciences involves the merger of the pedagogical model that has been developed with the particular historical conditions of our country, which undoubtedly distinguishes the conception and development of formative process that is very specific to the Cuban medical university. Methods: In order to support the historical trend analysis of the methodological teaching work management in the medical career, the following methods were used Historical-Logical, systematization and documentary analysis. Results: For the historical trend analysis of the methodological teaching work management in the medical career, 5 stages were established; First Stage (1962 to 1980: Consolidation of the University Reform and First Regulation of Methodological Work); Second Stage (1981 to 1987: Implementation of the Methodological Teaching and Methodological Work of the specialties of higher medical education); Third Stage (1988 to 2006: Ministerial Resolutions that recognized the existence of two fundamental directions for the development of methodological work). Fourth Stage (2007 to 2017: Implementation of Resolution 210 /2007); Fifth Stage (2018 - Present: Activity of Resolutions associated to the E curricula). Conclusions: The use of theoretical methods, such as the historical-logical method, systematization and documentary analysis, made possible to reference the historical trend analysis of the methodological teaching work management in the medical career
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Copyright (c) 2024 Blas Nivaldo Porras Pérez, Guillermo Luis Herrera Miranda, Nadina Travieso Ramos (Author)
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