Contribution of the Link with society in the training of doctors in the Medicine degree at the San Gregorio de Portoviejo University
Link with society, comprehensive training, social relevance, medical careerAbstract
Introduction: In Latin America, university extension, today called in Ecuador, connection with society, emerges irreverently with the movement of Córdova, Argentina; It constitutes the historical reason of the university, the engine that provides the basic inputs to Research and Teaching. It is recognized as an academic, dynamic, participatory, dialogic and contextual process that determines social and curricular relevance. It is a real challenge to train responsible professionals committed to solving the problems in their environment, and this is where the contribution of Linkage in the comprehensive training of man is shown, especially in the field of Health Sciences and Medicine particularly.
Objective: To assess the contribution of the connection with society in the training of doctors in the Medicine degree at the San Gregorio de Portoviejo University (USGP).
Methods: It was a qualitative research, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and systemic methods were used, bibliographic sources that regulate the policies of this function in Ecuador, in the USGP and in the Medicine career were also reviewed, and of other materials related to Linkage with society, its contribution to the training of professionals in the field of Health Sciences and specifically in Medicine.
Results: It was identified that the policy of linkage with society contained in the training program for doctors in the Medicine career meets the external demands and the premises raised by the CES and the USGP.
Conclusions: The Medicine degree implements in its links a comprehensive approach, which is exhibited from the dimension of curricular actions, goes through research and is brought together in university extension, for responsible, committed and highly qualified professionals.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ariagna Martínez Pérez, Judith Galarza López, Reisey Batista Ramírez, Rolando Sánchez Artigas (Author)
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