Analysis of the contributions of Galenic medicine to pharmacology
galenic medicine, pharmacology, phytopharmacyAbstract
Introduction: Pharmacology is commonly perceived as a field of study of modern medicine, however there were historical figures who, since ancient times, established the bases and properties of numerous drugs. Galen developed the foundations of pharmacology through observation and experimentation. . with various natural substances, including plants.
Objective: Analyze the contributions of galenic medicine to the development of pharmacology and phytopharmacology.
Methods: A literature review was carried out using academic databases such as PubMed, Scopus y Google Scholar, focusing on studies on Galen's contributions to the topic studied. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to select bibliographic sources, and a qualitative analysis of the extracted data was performed to synthesize the findings into relevant thematic categories.
Results: Although Galen's research methods were not always ethical, nor were his conceptions of the human being completely accurate, his contribution to pharmacology is undeniable and fundamental. He transformed the pharmacology of his time, based on humoral theory, towards a rational and systematic classification of drugs, introducing concepts such as dosage and active ingredients. In addition, he established bases for phytopharmacology and conceptualized the minimum theoretical principles of toxicology.
Conclusions: Galen made a series of reflections and associations of ideas that allowed him to accumulate extensive experience based on a scientific method that he himself promoted. This approach remains relevant today, evidencing the durability of his contributions to medical science.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Gandy Nathael Saltos Mera, Jesús Vinicio Macías Constante, Eugenio Radames Borroto Cruz, Cindy Giselle Díaz Contino (Author)
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