Workers with disabilities and significance of the Health-Work process. Making visible keys for prevention




Work, Workers, Disability, Quality of Life


People with disabilities at work have great potential and their incorporation into organizations would mean taking advantage of efficient and responsible human resources for the company. This research aims to frame some social elements related to the world of work from the perspective of workers with disabilities, as a phenomenon and invisible social reality. The structuring of training strategies for the protection of health at work, elaborated according to the specific limitations that these workers face in their work environment and their daily life, as well as the representations of these limitations in society, is identified as a key. Which condition their inclusion in the world of work. That is to say, the investment in the establishment of alliances for the differentiated training of workers with disabilities gains strength, taking into account their perspective, towards health, the prevention of occupational risks and accidents in the workplace, with the purpose of strengthening an environment of preventive culture and revealing the positive pole and the negative pole of the work process, with a view to favoring the quality of life of these workers. The incorporation into the labor market of people with disabilities must start from a process of social awareness from the very condition of disability, understanding it as a social construction that historically relegated millions of individuals to a diminished and inferior social position


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How to Cite

Trovat Ascanio V, Ron M, Hernández-Runque E, Sánchez-Tovar L, Hernández J. Workers with disabilities and significance of the Health-Work process. Making visible keys for prevention. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 27 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];2:224. Available from: