Speech therapy in adaptation of dentomaxillary and functional orthopedic appliances
speech disorders, dentomaxillary orthopedics, phonation, dentistryAbstract
The mouth, along with the throat, nostrils and facial spaces, acts as an amplifier and shaper of sounds, while the lips, teeth and tongue are essential in the formation of vowels. Oral structure and dental or orthodontic problems can influence the way we speak. A recent study focused on dentists' perception of the usefulness of speech therapy during the adaptation of dentomaxillary and functional orthopedics, with the aim of laying the foundation for a doctoral thesis. A cross-sectional study was conducted using a validated questionnaire, administered through Google Forms. The sample consisted of 47 dentists, including teachers and students of orthodontics and pediatric dentistry at the San Gregorio de Portoviejo University, selected for their experience in dentomaxillary orthopedics in pediatric patients. The results revealed that 85% of professionals observed changes in speech when adapting devices, and 93% considered the creation of a guide to assist patients with speech irregularities after adapting these devices crucial. This study provides a foundation for future research on the impact of braces on speech function
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