Resin inlays as an aesthetic alternative to conventional restorations in posterior teeth. Case study




adhesion, cementation, contraction, incrustation, composite resin


The systematized professional experience was developed from the analysis of a case treated based on resin inlays as an aesthetic alternative to conventional restorations in posterior teeth. The description of the design and care protocol prior to the attention of the ethics committee is of relevant importance. The objective was to expose the use of composite resin under indirect technique as an alternative to the structural involvement of posterior teeth in a patient treated at the postgraduate clinic of the San Gregorio University of Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador. Dies were used as a basis for making the inlays using the incremental technique. To obtain the model, the arch of the selected teeth was impressed with alginate, followed by casting in light silicone for the prepared portion of the tooth and in type III stone plaster for the rest. The cementation process in the oral cavity is carried out with dual resin cement. After analyzing the information collected, an encouraging conclusion is reached that supports the viability and predictability of composite resins indirectly in clinical settings. This, of course, provided that there is a deep knowledge of the advantages and limitations inherent to the various materials involved. Likewise, it is positioned as a reasonable alternative for cases of considerably affected teeth, which, in some instances, could have been considered for more extensive treatments, such as crowns, which involves the removal of remaining dental tissue that could possibly have been preserved


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How to Cite

Alvarado Pino LE, Garcia Loor JV. Resin inlays as an aesthetic alternative to conventional restorations in posterior teeth. Case study. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];4:.561. Available from: