Interaction between Research and Innovation in the Ecology of Knowledge in University Organizations: A Correlational Descriptive Study at the National University of Chimborazo, Ecuador
Education, Research, Innovation, Skills, Ecology of KnowledgeAbstract
Introduction: research and innovation in academic organizations are essential for sustainable development. However, its integration with the ecology of knowledge and the impact on the labor competencies of university professors still represent a challenge, especially in the Ecuadorian context.
Objective: to describe the interaction between research and innovation linked to the ecology of knowledge in the academic organizations of the National University of Chimborazo during the period 2024-A.
Methods: quantitative, descriptive-correlational study. Participatory non-probabilistic sample of 132 teachers from the Faculty of Education. A 15-item questionnaire on knowledge ecology, research-innovation and labor skills was applied.
Results: a strong positive correlation was found between knowledge ecology and labor competencies (r = 0,723; p < 0,01), while the relationship between research-innovation and labor competencies was weak (r = 0,025; p = 0,772). The ecology of knowledge explained 52,3 % of the variability in labor competencies.
Conclusions: the ecology of knowledge emerges as a key factor for the development of teaching work competencies at UNACH. Policies and strategies that promote a collaborative and knowledge-sharing environment are required to improve the integration of research, innovation and teaching practice
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Copyright (c) 2024 Derling José Mendoza Velazco, Magda Francisca Cejas Martinez, Omar Patricio Flor Mora, Edinson Palacios-Trujillo (Author)

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