Nursing governance in integrated health service networks and its impact on care processes in the field of primary care teams
Shared Governance, Nursing, National Health Systems, Noncommunicable Diseases, Delivery of Health Care, IntegratedAbstract
Introduction: professional governance constitutes the processes and structures that give nurses autonomy, control and authority over nursing practice in an organization.
Objective: to describe the perception of nursing governance in integrated health service networks from the nursing care process in the field of Primary Care Teams.
Method: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in June 2020. Mixed. 66 workers from 11 Health Units where the network-protect program was implemented in the municipality of Moreno, Province of Buenos Aires, were studied. Qualitative and quantitative instruments were used. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used
Results: governance practices perceived positive responses in: cardiovascular risk assessment, use of network management instruments, in cardiovascular rehabilitation and in the implementation of the Nursing Care Program (PAE) aimed at cardiovascular risk factors (P <0.001). There is no relationship between sociodemographic variables and practices related to nursing governance.
Conclusions: there are constructivist principles of MAPEC with practices for nursing governance in the estimation of cardiovascular risk applying the PAE and in the actions of the cardiovascular rehabilitation office. Regarding attitudinal knowledge about the axes of care for NCDs and cardiovascular risk, nursing governance practices are positively perceived in relation to the assessment and estimation of cardiovascular risk according to tables pre-established by the WHO
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