Improving the health outcomes of individuals with chronic illness through the delivery of healthcare services




Chronic Heart Failure (CHF), Health Care Professionals (Hcps), Chronic Disease (CD), Patient, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)


The move in the healthcare system toward an emphasis on chronic care may be easier to manage if the Wagner model serves as a guide. We define the health demands of patients with chronic disease and compare them to services that should ideally be supplied by a patient-centered health system, drawing on components of this framework and health policies linked to patient-centered care. This article helps readers better understand the unique problems patients face using chronic circumstances with their family carer while interacting with the healthcare scheme and a service provider. To understand more about the challenge faced by the populace utilizing complex diabetes, Chronic Heart Failure (CHF), or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), we conducted interviews with patients, carers, and healthcare professionals (HCPs). Patients indicated a variety of demands and objectives about the caliber of their interactions with HCPs, and these needs and wishes were conveyed as worries. There was a need for 1) better HCP communication and information delivery; 2) more organized health services with shorter stages to see HCPs; 3) support for self-care; 4) a better professional understanding of the requirements for holistic as well as ongoing care; and 5) patient as well as caregiver involvement in Decision-Making Processes (DMP). Health policy is more closely linked than it now is to accommodate the needs and preferences of persons with chronic conditions and solve their issues


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How to Cite

Libin J, Patel J D, Kumar C S. Improving the health outcomes of individuals with chronic illness through the delivery of healthcare services. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];3:444. Available from: