Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the use of contraceptive methods, Chile
Contraceptive Method, Pandemic, Sexual And Reproductive HealthAbstract
Introduction: Daily life was affected during the COVID-19 pandemic, so there were difficulties in getting inputs (merchandise, job, services, etc.), and obtaining contraceptives were specifically affected.
Aim: describe the impact of the pandemic as regards the use of methods of contraception in women aged 18-23 living in Viña del Mar.
Methods: This study is cross-sectional, continuous quantitative, a non-probabilistic sampling denominated “snowball”. Women living in Viña del Mar City were surveyed, and the sample size amounts to 90 persons, with a cohort point ranging from 18 to 23 years.
Results: 85 % of surveyed women are students. The more frequently used methods of contraception are the pill and the external condom. During the pandemic (2020, 2021, 2022), 12,87 % of them left their method of contraception, whereas 17,76 % changed it.
Conclusion: The pandemic is a determining factor in adherence to methods of contraception. Even though the results we obtained in this study are positive as compared to other pieces of research, it must be considered that interrupting them entails a violation of sexual and reproductive rights, which must be guaranteed despite being in a crisis
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Copyright (c) 2023 Felipe Calderón Canales, Nayarett Agüero Guerra, Francisca Álamos Silva , Claudia Andrade Millalonco, Paulina Jubal Morales, Catalina Waymann Landini (Author)

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