Perception and level of knowledge in nursing students about palliative care [Version 1; Peer Review - In Progress]
Palliative Care, Nursing Students, Knowledge LevelAbstract
Background: palliative care improves the quality of life of patients and their families by preventing, relieving suffering and symptoms in patients suffering from terminal illness who no longer have curative medical treatment.
Objective: to determine the perception and level of knowledge in nursing students about palliative care.
Method: this is a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study developed at the Technical University of Ambato with a population of 141 sixth and seventh semester students. For data collection, the survey technique was used with a Palliative Care Knowledge Test questionnaire (PCKT) as an instrument.
Results: in the philosophy dimension, a low level of knowledge was obtained, while in the dimensions of pain, dyspnea, psychiatric problems and gastrointestinal problems the results were positive.
Conclusion: in general and globally, the palliative care knowledge of nursing students is high
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Copyright (c) 2023 Tandalla Yanez Katherine Pamela , Cusme Torres Nadihezka Amanda (Author)

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