Relationship of static and dynamic inspiratory muscle strength
Maximal Inspiratory Pressure, Respiratory MuscleAbstract
Background: the non-invasive evaluation of the inspiratory muscles strength makes it possible to detect their weakness globally. The use of digital or aneroid manometers to determine the inspiratory force can be taken by a static technique, known as pymometry, obtaining the maximum inspiratory pressure. However, equipment such as PowerBreathe is also used to obtain the strength index, which is considered a dynamic technique.
Methods: the present work is a cross-sectional cohort study, focused on analyzing the inspiratory muscle force in a static and dynamic way in healthy subjects, using a non-clinical digital manometer Ht - 18909 compared with a PowerBreathe equipment. The study was conducted in 23 healthy volunteer patients with a mean age of 19 years.
Results: Inspiratory force measurements for both instruments reached a mean of 57,5 cmH2O and 55,3 cmH2O (SD 16,38 – 14,91) when taken with manometry and PowerBreathe equipment respectively, the correlation by calculating of the ICC with a reliability of 95 %, was 0,87, having a high level of agreement or similarity between the measures.
Conclusions: It was concluded that there are no significant differences when measuring the inspiratory force when using both devices that estimate the force statically and dynamically
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Copyright (c) 2023 Robinson Adrián Rumiguano Jiménez, Stalin Javier Caiza Lema, Katherine Pamela Valencia Pasquel, Geovanna Maribel Herrera Herrera, Victoria Estefania Espin Pastor, María Gabriela Romero Rodríguez (Author)

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