Predictive value of the CONUT scale in the early detection of nutritional risk and its relationship with mortality in critically ill patients




Nutrition in Critically Ill Patients, CONUT Scale, Nutritional Risk, Mortality


Introduction: Hospital malnutrition is a global health problem, and its prevalence has been estimated between 30 % y 60 %. Its early identification constitutes a pillar of the management and treatment of critically ill patients. Its usefulness has been shown both to improve the survival of these patients, as well as to reduce complications related to it, and reduce costs.

Objectives: apply the CONUT scale to assess nutritional risk and as a predictor of mortality. Relate it with causes of admission, stay in the ICU, time on mechanical ventilation, and the state at discharge from the ICU and determine the sensitivity and specificity of the CONUT scale as a predictor of mortality and its comparison with the APACHE II scale.

Methods: it was carried out in the ICU of the "Miguel Enríquez" Hospital for a period of 2 years. The variables applied were: age, sex, ICU stay, origin services, need for mechanical ventilation, discharge status, nutritional status classification according to CONUT and APACHE II.

Results: There was a predominance of males, the average stay was between 1-6 days, and mortality was low. More than 90 % of the patients were malnourished, the diagnosis at admission and the use of mechanical ventilation, and no association with mortality was demonstrated.

Conclusions: an association between nutritional status and ICU stay was demonstrated. According to the ROC curve, it was shown that the CONUT has a high sensitivity to predict nutritional risk and its relationship with mortality, compared to the APACHE scale it was low


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How to Cite

Auza-Santivañez JC, Soneira Perez J, León DO, Condori-Villca N, Alvarez Loaces JP. Predictive value of the CONUT scale in the early detection of nutritional risk and its relationship with mortality in critically ill patients. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];3:339. Available from: