The related aspects derived from psychopedagogical diagnosis and the genomic era in the context of professional development




Strategic Alliances, Psychopedagogical Diagnosis, Post-Genetics, Professional Development


Introduction: the establishment of strategic alliances for psychopedagogical diagnosis in the postgenomic context and its analysis from the perspective of professional development constitute a challenge. In this sense, it is imperative to apply the latest advances in Biomedical Sciences to evaluate psychopedagogical diagnosis. This reality is evidenced in the work of the Diagnostic and Orientation Center, the result of the research project carried out in collaboration with the Provincial Department of Medical Genetics in Camagüey.

Objective: to establish the fundamental links between the postgenomic era and psychopedagogical diagnosis.

Methods: a compilation and selection of original scientific articles from the last ten years was carried out by consulting indexed databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, SciELO, Dialnet, and Redalyc. The terms "strategic alliances," "psychopedagogical diagnosis," and "professional development" were used, and the articles were selected and analyzed according to their content.

Results: from epistemology and theory, it was possible to verify the existence of observations that describe necessary aspects to link the advances achieved in the postgenomic era and psychopedagogical diagnosis through qualitative approaches.

Conclusions: it is necessary to reshape the Professional Development of the technical advisory team of the Diagnostic and Orientation Center to integrate the most promising advances in genomic sciences due to their impact on current educational systems


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Short communications

How to Cite

Arrieta García R, Núñez Rodríguez OL, Gómez Cardoso Ángel L, Morales-Peralta E. The related aspects derived from psychopedagogical diagnosis and the genomic era in the context of professional development. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];3:350. Available from: