Contribution to the exercise of the human right to education: training proposals for teachers, educational institutions and teachers




Education, Rights, Human Rights, Inclusion, Meaningful learning, Training proposals


It is based on two central concepts to carry forward, the first in education and the second in human rights. The importance lies in the fact that each person has the right to receive quality education based on human rights, where each subject can enjoy a protected, inclusive and free life. It is essential to analyze the practice of education from a perspective that starts from human rights directly linked to social inclusion, in addition to the possibility of making proposals that help and frame this type of contribution of the exercise of human rights in education. Education based on human rights provides different spaces for action where a political-pedagogical activity is interacted that has the purpose of building in the classroom aspects that provide better inclusion and social equity for all. Education must be guaranteed by States because access to it is a right for all individuals and starting from an approach towards the exercise of a human right is to think that it can be an engine to train subjects in these bases and that truly any person can exercise it freely. Education has a fundamental role for development and changes in different societies, these changes have been made within and from human rights could not only be a challenge, but would bring immediate improvements in the quality of subjects individually and collectively


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Short communications

How to Cite

Rincon Soto IB, Soledispa Cañarte BJ, Soledispa Cañarte PA, Castro Alfaro A. Contribution to the exercise of the human right to education: training proposals for teachers, educational institutions and teachers. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2023 May 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];3:392. Available from: