Motivation in virtual classrooms during COVID-19: experiences of nursing students
Nursing, Expectation, Motivation, Assessment, valuationAbstract
The objective of the study was to analyze the motivation of nursing students during virtual classes, the methodology used was a qualitative approach, with a phenomenological design and a descriptive level, the sample was 10 nursing students and the applied technique was the interview. made up of 36 questions, which are found within three subcategories of analysis: description of the assessment, evaluation of expectations and analysis of affectivity. The results indicated that the motivation for learning was complicated from a remote way, often depending on the subject that was their turn, some of which were interesting and also, thanks to virtuality, they developed digital and technological skills. It is concluded that the nursing students took advantage of the virtual classes, encouraging them to create the habit of researching, reviewing, going back to see the class over and over again, allowing them to understand each session taught well, likewise favored personal development
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mercedes Olga Jara-Avellaneda, Yolanda Josefina Huayta-Franco, Esther Rosa Saenz Arenas, Jaime Manuel Cohaila Flores (Author)

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